Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Little Drama Queen

We try to keep thing interesting in our house, but this little drama I think I could have done without.

At our 18 week ultrasound our doctor told us he would do a follow up ultrasound just to make sure everything is still normal and to confirm the gender since our ultrasound was a little earlier in the pregnancy than we thought.  So last week (at 28 weeks) we went in and did the ultrasound and we heard the doctor say, "it looks like it's a boy!"  ...wait, what??  He even went as far as putting "boy parts" on the ultrasound photo and giving it to us.  As he continued, he said some things to the effect of "I think it's a boy but I can't really tell."  As we were getting up to leave he ended with "Well, to answer your question, I really don't know what it is."

At first I thought it was funny, but after that wore off, I was feeling pretty frustrated.  Rod was at least as frustrated as I was.   We went a week and a half without knowing what it was, which in pregnancy time feels like a long time! So we decided to go to one of those ultrasound places, you know, like the ones you can find at the mall (yes, they exist, who knew?).  It was definitely fancier than anything I wanted  or needed, but they had awesome technology.  They told us right away that it was most definitely a girl!  I made him show us a couple times, just to be sure!  The 3D imaging ended up being pretty cool too.

We decided we already have a little drama queen on our hands, causing us grief already.  So, bring on the drama little one!  We are ready for you... well almost...

Feeling bigger by the day!